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Chapter 2: Building Games / Building Creatures

Trait Abilities

Source GM Core pg. 126 2.0
Creatures with certain traits tend to have similar abilities to one another. Many of these abilities are listed below to help you match the theme of the trait when you build your own creatures. Look at existing creatures with the trait to see these in practice.


Senses usually darkvision
Languages usually Aklo


Traits monitor
Languages Utopian and other planar languages; envisioning for true aeons (Monster Core)


Languages usually Sussuran
Speed usually has a fly Speed


Traits celestial, holy
Aura Angels each have a unique aura based on how they serve as messengers and how they deliver those messages.
Speed usually has a fly Speed
Rituals usually angelic messenger (Monster Core)


Languages none
Int –4 or –5


Traits celestial, holy
Virtue Ability Archons each represent a specific virtue, like courage or hope, and have a special ability based on the virtue they represent.


Senses darkvision


Traits celestial, holy
Weaknesses cold iron
Freedom Ability Azatas each represent a specific freedom, like free expression or free love, and have a special ability based on the freedom they represent.


Int –3 or higher


Traits holy
Senses darkvision
Languages Empyrean
Saves often a +1 status bonus to all saves vs. magic
Weaknesses unholy
Strikes typically have the holy trait


Immunities or Resistances cold


Traits Many constructs lack minds and have the mindless trait.
Immunities bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, spirit, unconscious, vitality, void; if mindless, add mental


Traits fiend, unholy
Languages Daemonic, telepathy 100 feet
Immunities death effects
Death Ability Daemons each represent a specific kind of death, like death by disease or starvation, and have a special ability based on the method of death they represent.


Traits fiend, unholy
Languages Chthonian, telepathy (usually 100 feet)
HP typically high to account for their multiple weaknesses
Weaknesses cold iron
Sin Vulnerability Demons each represent a specific sin, like envy or wrath, and have a special vulnerability based on the sin they represent. This should be something the PCs can exploit through their actions, which should then deal mental damage to the demon. The amount of damage should be based on how easy the vulnerability is to exploit.
Divine Innate Spells usually 5th-rank translocate and at-will 4th-rank translocate
Rituals usually demonic pact (Monster Core)
Sin Ability Demons also have a special ability based on the sin they represent, which either makes them better embody the sin or instills that sin in others.


Traits fiend, unholy
Languages Diabolic, telepathy (usually 100 feet)
Immunities fire; Weaknesses holy; Resistances physical (except silver), poison
Divine Innate Spells usually one 5th-rank translocate and at-will 4th-rank translocate
Rituals usually diabolic pact (Monster Core)
Infernal Hierarchy Ability Devils each have an ability corresponding to the role they play in the infernal hierarchy, typically focused around control or being controlled.


Senses darkvision
Languages usually Draconic
Speed usually has a fly Speed
Dragon Breath Many dragons have an activity to exhale magical, damaging energy, with specifics determined by their theme.


Perception often tremorsense
Languages usually Petran
Speed usually a burrow Speed


Senses darkvision
Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep


Senses darkvision


Senses low-light vision
Languages usually Aklo, Fey, or both
Weaknesses cold iron


Traits unholy
Senses darkvision
Saves often a +1 status bonus to all saves vs. magic
Weaknesses holy
Strikes typically have the unholy trait


Languages usually Pyric
Immunities fire; Resistances cold
Strikes typically deal fire damage


Traits fungi without minds have the mindless trait
Immunities if mindless, mental; Weaknesses sometimes slashing or fire


Traits Large or bigger, humanoid
Senses low-light vision
Languages usually Jotun


Int –3 or higher


Str –5
HP terrible at lower levels, then low at higher levels
AC typically low or moderate
Immunities disease, paralyzed, poison, precision; Resistances all damage (except force, ghost touch, or spirit; double resistance vs. non-magical)
Strikes magical trait, typically low or moderate damage


Languages usually Talican


Senses darkvision


Traits Almost all oozes lack minds and have the mindless trait.
Senses typically motion sense and no vision
AC usually terrible
HP usually around double
Immunities critical hits, precision, unconscious, often acid; if it has no vision, add visual effects; if mindless, add mental


Traits plants without minds have the mindless trait
Senses usually low-light vision
Immunities if mindless, mental; Weaknesses sometimes fire


Traits monitor
Languages Protean
Resistances precision, protean anatomy (Monster Core)
Divine Innate Spells constant unfettered movement
Change Shape (Monster Core)


Traits monitor
Senses lifesense (typically 60 feet)
Languages Requian
Immunities death effects, disease
Resistances poison, void
Damage spirit touch (Monster Core)


Traits often incorporeal, often undead


Traits size based on the entire mass, usually Large or bigger
HP typically low
Immunities precision, swarm mind (Monster Core); Weaknesses area damage, splash damage; Resistances physical, usually with one physical type having lower or no resistance


Traits Almost all undead are unholy. Ghostly undead have the incorporeal trait. Undead without minds, such as most zombies, have the mindless trait.
Senses darkvision
HP void healing (Monster Core)
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyze, poison, sleep (or unconscious if it never rests at all); if mindless, add mental


Languages usually Thalassic
Speed usually has a swim Speed


Languages usually Muan
Weaknesses fire and axes or slashing