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Chapter 1: Introduction / Golarion and the Inner Sea / The Age of Lost Omens

What Does My Character Know?

Source Player Core pg. 31 2.0
As someone who lives in a magical fantasy world, a person from Golarion has a different set of assumptions than someone from modern Earth. The following are some of these setting assumptions to keep in mind as you create your character. For more information on the world of Golarion, see the Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide for a basic primer, and the Lost Omens setting line for a deeper look at different parts of the world.
  • Golarion is magical. Stories of wizards who can cast spells and pious servants of the gods who can conjure miracles are commonplace, and people know that they are real. While very powerful magicians are rare, most villages have a few people who have some minor magical ability.
  • Golarion has technology. The concept of a flintlock pistol or a clockwork machine isn't baffling to most people, though there are exceptions in some regions. However, the line between technology and magic is fuzzy for many, and they might easily mistake one for the other!
  • Golarion is multicultural. Much like the real world, Golarion has many different nations and cultures all across the globe. Magical transportation, historical explorations, and well-trod trade routes have seen people from all over the world travel to other locales. While immigrants and travelers from other continents may not be common, they're certainly not impossible.
  • Golarion is ancient. The known history of Golarion spans nearly 6,000 years, and that doesn't include the history that people don't know about! This long and storied past means that there's always some new secret or discovery to be dug up by scholars—or some ancient curse or threat waiting to be uncovered and set free.
  • Golarion is dangerous. There's almost always something causing trouble on Golarion, from bandits to dragons to corrupt nobles and would-be tyrants. Those who seek to travel look to brave adventurers to forge the way, ensuring their safety in a frightening world!