Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction / What is a Roleplaying Game?

Gaming Is for All

Source Player Core pg. 6 2.0
Whether you're the GM or a player, participating in a tabletop roleplaying game includes a social contract: everyone's gathered together to have fun. For many, roleplaying is a way to escape the troubles of everyday life. Be mindful of everyone at the table and what they want out of the game; when a group gathers for the first time, they should talk about what they hope to experience at the table, as well as any topics they'd like to avoid. Everyone should understand that elements might come up that make some players feel uncomfortable or even unwelcome, and everyone should agree to respect those boundaries during play. That way, everyone can enjoy the game together.

Pathfinder is a game for everyone, regardless of their age, gender, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other identities and life experiences. It's the responsibility of all of the players, not just the GM, to make sure the table is fun and welcoming for everyone.