Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction / Format of Rules

Reading Rules

Source Player Core pg. 15 2.0

Action or Feat Name [one-action] Level

Prerequisites Any minimum attributes, feats, proficiency ranks, and so forth you must have to select this rules element are here. Feats also have a level prerequisite, listed above.
Frequency The limit on how often you can use the ability.
Trigger Reactions and some free actions have triggers that must be met before they can be used.
Requirements Sometimes you must have a certain item or be in a certain circumstance to use an ability.
This section describes the effects or benefits of a rules element. If the rule is an action, it explains what the effect is or what you must roll. If it's a feat that modifies an existing action or grants a constant effect, the benefit is explained here.
Special Any special qualities of the rule are explained in this section. Usually this section appears in feats you can select more than once, explaining what happens when you do.

Sometimes an ability will grant multiple actions or an action in addition to other benefits. These are condensed into a shorter format using the same categories.
Action Name [one-action] (traits) Frequency how often it can be used; Trigger when a reaction or free action can be used; Requirements some actions require specific circumstances, listed here; Effect this section explains how the ability changes the world.