Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction / Character Creation

Step 7: Record Class Details

Source Player Core pg. 24 2.0
Now, record all the benefits and class features that your character receives from the class you've chosen. While you've already noted your key attribute modifier, you'll want to be sure to record the following class features:
  • To determine your character's total starting Hit Points, add together the number of Hit Points your character gains from their ancestry (chosen in Step 3) and the number of Hit Points they gain from their class.
  • The Initial Proficiencies section of your class entry indicates your character's starting proficiency ranks in a number of areas. Choose which skills your character is trained in and record those, along with the ones set by your class. If your class would make you trained in a skill you're already trained in (typically due to your background), you can select another skill to become trained in.
  • See the class advancement table in your class entry to learn the class features your character gains at 1st level. You already chose an ancestry, background, and free attribute boosts, but these are listed in the table as a reminder. Some class features require you to make additional choices, such as selecting spells.