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Creation's ForgePlane

Subjective Gravity Unbounded Vitality 
Source GM Core pg. 175 2.0
Category Inner Sphere Planes
Divinities none
Native Inhabitants jyotis, shades (enlightened)
Creation’s Forge is at once the source of life-sustaining vitality energy, the origin of all pre-incarnate mortal souls, and paradoxically the most innately hostile of all of the planes. While vitality energy is deadly to undead and beneficial to living beings, such is the intensity of the plane that unmitigated exposure ultimately incinerates any extraplanar beings without sufficient magical protection. The most apt comparison for the plane’s interior is that of the heart of a burning star. Indeed, the stars of the Universe each house natural portals to Creation’s Forge within their glowing, potent cores to foster the movement of pre-incarnate souls in their first steps in the great cycle of life and death.

Brilliant and blinding, the plane’s interior is sparsely populated, and the resident phoenix-kin jyotis are intensely xenophobic. Dwelling in glimmering, radiant crystalline cities such as Arudrellisiir, they view themselves as gardeners and guardians of souls spawned from their realm’s burning quintessence. Intensely distrustful of gods and their servitors, jyotis can nonetheless be bargained with, and they’ve frequently taken into their custodianship any number of artifacts and imprisoned beings considered too dangerous to house on any other plane.