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PFS StandardCamp ShroudItem 4+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Consumable Illusion Magical 
Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 89
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk
Access Knights of Lastwall have access to this item.
Activate [one-action] Interact
Knights make use of this magically treated powder to help hide their camps while traveling through the Gravelands or other dangerous regions. When you toss the powder into a campfire or other sizable fire, the fire produces a thin mist that enshrouds everything in a 10-foot emanation from the fire. The mist creates protective illusions that remain for up to 12 hours and make it difficult to spot the area from afar. You can end the effect earlier by putting out the fire. Light and smoke produced in the area aren't visible from outside the area. The illusions don't prevent sound from traveling nor prevent the area or its inhabitants from being seen.

A creature outside the area that uses the Seek action or Search activity to examine the area or look for smoke and light coming from that direction can attempt a DC 18 Perception check to disbelieve the illusion.

PFS StandardCamp Shroud (Minor)Item 4

Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 89
Price 15 gp

PFS StandardCamp Shroud (Lesser)Item 7

Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 89
Price 65 gp
The mist enshrouds a 15-foot emanation, and the DC is 23.

PFS StandardCamp Shroud (Moderate)Item 10

Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 89
Price 175 gp
The mist enshrouds a 20-foot emanation, and the DC is 27.

PFS StandardCamp Shroud (Greater)Item 13

Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 89
Price 500 gp
The mist enshrouds a 25-foot emanation, and the DC is 30.

PFS StandardCamp Shroud (Major)Item 16

Source Knights of Lastwall pg. 89
Price 1,500 gp
The mist enshrouds a 30-foot emanation, and the DC is 35.