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PFS StandardDeathseekerItem 8

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 128
Price 500 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Base Weapon Kris
A hauntingly beautiful and masterfully crafted blade, this +1 striking wounding kris has been whet with the spilled blood of its creator, imbuing violent intent within its crimson curves. When you critically succeed at a Strike made with a deathseeker, the target feels the blade's unbridled bloodlust trying to consume it and must attempt a DC 24 Will save; this effect has the incapacitation trait.

Critical Success The target is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 24 hours
Success The target takes an additional 1 persistent bleed damage, and the DC for recovering from persistent bleed damage is 17, or 12 with particularly effective assistance.
Failure As success, except the target is also confused for 1 round. It gets a flat check to recover from this confusion when it critically succeeds at a Strike against another creature or reduces another living being to 0 Hit Points, but not when it takes damage.
Critical Failure As success, except the target is also confused for 3 rounds. It gets a flat check to recover from this confusion when it critically succeeds at a Strike against another creature or reduces another living being to 0 Hit Points, but not when it takes damage.