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PFS StandardCloth of NullificationItem 20

Rare Magical 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 307 1.1
Price 75,000 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
This small piece of embroidered cloth is inimical to all magic.

Activate—Nullify Magic [two-actions] (manipulate); Effect You cover a magic item with the cloth or wave the cloth near a magic effect and attempt to counteract the effect or item. The cloth's counteract check modifier is +32, and its counteract rank is 10. Regardless of the result, the cloth of nullification can't be activated again for 2d6 hours. On a success, the effect or item is deactivated for the same amount of time, and its duration, if any, continues to expire during that time. With a successful counteract check, you can instead choose to completely absorb the magic from the effect or item into the cloth of nullification. If you do, both become completely non-magical and their magic can't be recovered, even by the remake spell.
The cloth of nullification automatically fails to counteract most artifacts and similarly powerful items.