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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardAlchemical Bomb

Source Player Core pg. 280 2.0
Favored Weapon Laudinmio
Price — (Varies); Damage Varies; Bulk L
Hands 1; Range 20 ft.
Type Ranged; Category Martial; Group Bomb

These bombs come in a variety of types and levels of power, but no matter the variety, you throw the bomb at the target and it explodes, unleashing its alchemical blast.

Click here for a list of alchemical bombs.

Critical Specialization Effects

Source Core Rulebook pg. 283 4.0
Certain feats, class features, weapon runes, and other effects can grant you additional benefits when you make a Strike with certain weapons and get a critical success. This is called a critical specialization effect. The exact effect depends on which weapon group your weapon belongs to, as listed below. You can always decide not to add the critical specialization effect of your weapon.

Bomb: Increase the radius of the bomb's splash damage (if any) to 10 feet.