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Elven ChainItem 13+

Legacy Content

Source Core Rulebook pg. 556 4.0
Usage worn armor; Bulk L
Elven chain is a chain shirt made of mithral that glitters in even the faintest light. Because it's constructed with small, supple rings, it has no check penalty.

Created by elven artisans employing ancient crafting techniques, elven chain is exceptionally quiet. Unlike other chain shirts—even other mithral chain shirts—elven chain does not have the noisy trait. This suit of armor can be etched with runes like any other mithral chain shirt.

PFS StandardElven Chain (Standard-Grade)Item 13

Source Core Rulebook pg. 555 4.0
Price 2,500 gp
Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include mithral worth at least 3,125 sp.

PFS StandardElven Chain (High-Grade)Item 20

Source Core Rulebook pg. 555 4.0
Price 52,000 gp
Craft Requirements The initial raw materials must include mithral worth at least 20,000 gp.