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There is a Legacy version here.

Diabolic PactRitual 1

Source Monster Core pg. 364 1.1
Cast 1 day
Primary Check Religion (expert; you must be a devil)
You make an appeal to a powerful devil, asking them to bind some of their subordinates to your service. If you succeed, the devil sends you their choice of one devil of level 2 or lower, two devils of level 0 or lower, or three devils of level –1 or lower.

Critical Success The devils are sent to you and serve you for 1d4 weeks.
Success The devils are sent to you and serve you for 1d4 days.
Failure Your request is denied.
Critical Failure Not only is your request denied, but the powerful devil sends word of its displeasure to your master.
Heightened (+1) Increase the level of devil sent to you by 2 for each option.