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PFS StandardClockwork Spider BombItem 8

Legacy Content

Uncommon Clockwork Consumable Gadget 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 22
Price 100 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk 1
Activate [one-action] Interact
While arachnophobes don't need to fear this contraption's spiderlike appearance, they should probably worry if it starts ticking. When you activate the spider bomb, you place it on the ground and the clockwork spider crawls 5 feet in a straight line, continuing to advance 5 feet in the same straight line at the end of each of your turns for the next 4 rounds (traveling a total of 25 feet). If it takes any damage during this time, its bulbous abdomen detonates in a raging flame, dealing 5d6 fire damage to all creatures in a 5-foot burst (DC 24 basic Reflex save). You can also activate it a second time with a single-action command word activation, causing it to explode. The spider bomb has an AC of 10, 5 Hit Points, and +0 to all saving throws. After it detonates, the spider bomb is completely destroyed, regardless of the effects of its detonation. If it survives to the end of the 4-round duration without being detonated, the spider harmlessly loses its explosive charge and falls apart.