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There is a Legacy version here.

OrichalcumItem 17+

Rare Precious 
Source GM Core pg. 254 2.0
The most rare and valuable skymetal, orichalcum is coveted for its incredible time-related magical properties. This dull, coppery metal isn't as physically sturdy as adamantine, but orichalcum's time-bending properties protect it, granting it greater Hardness and Hit Points. If an orichalcum item takes damage but isn't destroyed, it repairs itself completely 24 hours later.

Orichalcum Items

Orichalcum ItemsHardnessHPBT
Thin Items

Rules for Special Materials

Material Uses

Orichalcum Armor
Orichalcum Shield
Orichalcum Weapon

PFS StandardOrichalcum ChunkItem 17

Source GM Core pg. 254 2.0
Price 1,000 gp
Bulk L

PFS StandardOrichalcum IngotItem 17

Source GM Core pg. 254 2.0
Price 10,000 gp

PFS StandardOrichalcum Object (High-Grade)Item 17

Source GM Core pg. 254 2.0
Price 10,000 gp (per Bulk)