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Stonefish use their superior camouflage to lie in wait and devour small prey, becoming indistinguishable from the reefs they call home. Larger creatures are also at risk, although mostly through accidental contact with the stonefish's spines and their agonizing venom.

Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14
Unspecific Lore: DC 12
Specific Lore: DC 9

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak StonefishCreature -1

Tiny Animal Aquatic 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 148 2.1
Perception +5; low-light vision
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +2, Stealth +7
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int -5, Wis +1, Cha -1
Camouflage The stonefish can Hide in its natural environment even if it doesn't have cover.
AC 14; Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1
HP 15
Defensive Spines When a creature moves into a space with one or more stonefish, that creature takes 1d4 piercing damage and is exposed to stonefish venom.
Speed swim 25 feet
Melee [one-action] bite +5 [+0/-5] (finesse), Damage 1d6-2+2 piercingMelee [one-action] spines +4 [-1/-6], Damage 1d4-2+2 piercing plus stonefish venomStonefish Venom (poison) Saving Throw DC 14 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 3 hours; Stage 1 clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 clumsy 2 (10 minutes); Stage 3 3d6 poison and clumsy 2 (1 hour)

All Monsters in "Fish"

Fantooth School3
Giant Fangtooth4
Piranha Swarm3
Stonefish Swarm2


Source Howl of the Wild pg. 148 2.1
These magnificent creatures hide beneath the surface of the calm lakes, flowing rivers, and vast seas. The water is their domain, and some are quite protective of their home.