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Howl of the Wild / Special Ancestry Rules

Flying PCs

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 9 2.1
Certain ancestries, such as awakened birds or some surkis, have wings. The presented ancestry rules intend to provide a good combination of story and game balance for most groups. However, some players might have character concepts that don't fit this assumption and might wish to have unbound flight from initial character creation. At the GM's discretion, the GM can grant these PCs a 15-foot fly Speed, replacing any other abilities that involve flying, such as the Take Flight awakened animal feat. However, GMs who allow this option should be aware that a PC who can constantly fly can trivialize many common low- and mid-level challenges, or might consistently outshine or leave other characters behind. The GM should consider this option carefully before allowing it and adjust the game accordingly; for instance, ensuring that some enemies in each encounter have ranged options so they aren't left unable to respond to a PC raining spells or arrows from the safety of the sky.