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War of Immortals / Mythic Rules / Mythic Monster Templates

Basic Mythic Abilities

Source War of Immortals pg. 168
These abilities appear across all kinds of mythic monsters, at the levels indicated on the table.

Mythic Resilience (1st): The creature treats its saving throws with the associated save as one degree of success better than it rolled. This is not cumulative with other effects that change their degree of success, like the incapacitation trait (except for rolling a natural 1 or 20). Each time the monster gains mythic resilience, choose one save. The ability should apply to the creature's highest saves first.

Mythic Resistance (1st): The creature gains resistance to all Strikes made by non-mythic creatures equal to half its level. If it gains mythic resistance a second time, increase the resistance to its full level. Mythic weapons bypass this resistance even if the creature wielding them is not mythic.

Mythic Power (4th): The creature has a pool of 3 Mythic Points, and can spend those Mythic Points for any of the following actions it has.
  • Mythic Skill [free-action] Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The creature attempts its next skill check with a +4 bonus and is considered to have mythic proficiency for that check. This applies to one skill when this ability is gained and a second skill if the creature is 12th level or higher.
  • Recharge [one-action] (concentrate) Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The creature gains one additional use of a spell or ability that is normally only available a limited number of times. For example, a spellcaster can regain an expended slot or use an ability with a frequency of once per day again.
  • Remove a Condition [one-action] (concentrate) Cost 1 Mythic Point; Effect The creature ends one condition affecting it.
  • Reroll [free-action] (fortune) Cost 1 Mythic Point; Trigger The creature fails a check; Effect The creature rerolls the check.
  • Undying Myth [free-action] Cost all the creature's Mythic Points;Trigger The creature would die and has at least 1 Mythic Point; Effect The creature remains standing and conscious, and recovers 50% of its maximum Hit Points.

Mythic Defenses (20th): Whenever an attacker rolls a critical hit against a creature with mythic defenses, the attacker must reroll the attack roll and take the new result.Mythic Immunity (23rd): The creature is immune to either harmful spells cast by non-mythic creatures, or Strikes made with non-mythic weapons and unarmed Strikes from non-mythic characters. Only the most powerful creatures (typically level 25) should be immune to both.

Mythic Monster Abilities

LevelMythic Abilities
1Mythic resilience (one save) or mythic resistance
4Mythic power (Mythic Skill or Remove a Condition)
7Mythic resilience (one save) or mythic resistance
10Mythic power (Recharge)
13Mythic resilience (one save) or mythic resistance
17Mythic power (Undying Myth)
20Mythic power (Reroll) or mythic defenses
23+Mythic immunity (Strikes or spells)