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PFS StandardElemental Tsunami

Elemental tsunamis are huge and destructive.

Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28
Unspecific Lore: DC 26
Specific Lore: DC 23

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Elemental TsunamiCreature 10

Legacy Content

N Huge Aquatic Elemental Water 
Source Bestiary pg. 153
Perception +20; darkvision
Languages Aquan
Skills Athletics +21, Stealth +21
Str +6, Dex +6, Con +6, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +0
Water-Bound When not touching water, the elemental tsunami is slowed 1 and can’t use reactions.
AC 29; Fort +19, Ref +20, Will +17
HP 175; Immunities bleed, paralyzed, poison, sleep; Resistances fire 10
Vortex (aura, water) 50 feet. Water in the area that is in the same body of water as the elemental tsunami is difficult terrain for Swimming creatures that don’t have the water trait.
Speed 35 feet, swim 100 feet
Melee [one-action] wave +22 [+17/+12] (reach 20 feet), Damage 2d12-2+12 bludgeoning plus Push or Pull 10 feetDrench [one-action] (abjuration, primal, water) The elemental puts out all fires in a 20-foot emanation. It extinguishes all non-magical fires automatically and attempts to counteract magical fires (+20 counteract modifier).Surge [two-actions] The elemental tsunami quickly expands its space to fill the area of its vortex. Creatures within the vortex’s emanation take 5d12+6 bludgeoning damage (DC 29 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails this save is Pushed 20 feet. The elemental tsunami then retracts to its former space. The elemental tsunami can’t Surge again for 1d4 rounds.

All Monsters in "Elemental, Water"

Boiling Spring13
Brine Shark3
Coldmire Pond8
Dewdrop Jelly1
Elemental Tsunami11
Elemental Vessel, Water16
Icicle Snake2
Living Waterfall5
Mist Stalker4
Tidal Master9

Elemental, Water

Source Bestiary pg. 152
Water elementals can be very destructive, but often not intentionally so; just as water can bring life to those in need on the Material Plane, its waves can pound shores and rains can flood cities. Water elementals are similarly difficult to predict.


Related Groups Elemental, Air, Elemental, Air, Elemental, Earth, Elemental, Earth, Elemental, Fire, Elemental, Fire, Elemental, Mephit, Elemental, Metal, Elemental, Scamp, Elemental, Water, Elemental, Wisp, Elemental, Wood
The Elemental Planes—primordial realms defined by aspects of air, earth, fire, or water—are home to a diverse group of beings known as elementals. Spellcasters on the Material Plane call upon elementals for aid, though these enigmatic creatures can also travel to the world of mortals via interplanar gateways and rifts. The elementals on these pages exemplify the creatures of the Elemental Planes, but this list is by no means exhaustive.

Sidebar - Related Creatures "Civilized" Elementals

Some elementals, such as invisible stalkers, xorns, and salamanders, have specific cultures and personalities that elevate them beyond simple magical creatures or manifestations of living energy. These creatures are often found in larger settlements or living alongside genies on their respective planes.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Diverse Elementals

The Elemental Planes are more than expanses of sky, rock, fire, and ocean. Clouds of fog, dust, and storms float through the Plane of Air. The Plane of Earth includes verdant groves, shining metal and crystal, and irradiated wastelands. The Plane of Fire features magma, suffocating smoke, and radiant firelight. Amid the endless sea of the Plane of Water are pockets of ooze and brine, plus the otherworldly environs of the deep.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Elemental Beings

The Elemental Planes—primordial realms defined by aspects of air, earth, fire, or water—are home to a diverse group of beings known as elementals. Spellcasters on the Material Plane call upon elementals for aid, though these enigmatic creatures can also travel to the world of mortals via interplanar gateways and rifts. The elementals on these pages exemplify the creatures of the Elemental Planes, but this list is by no means exhaustive.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Elemental Creatures

Not all elementals are lumbering, humanoid-shaped creatures. Some take on the forms and natures of animals and beasts from the Material Plane. These creatures often behave in ways similar to their Material Plane counterparts, even though as elementals they lack the animalistic instincts mortal creatures have when it comes to hunting, reproducing, and the like. Elemental creatures are favorites of conjurers due to their small size, relative ease of summoning, and varied abilities.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Elemental Lords

The most powerful elementals are demigods known as elemental lords. Until recently, only four evil elemental lords ruled over realms on the Elemental Planes. However, recent events have allowed the previously imprisoned good elemental lords to return to their realms, causing massive conflicts that could lead to planar wars.

Sidebar - Locations Elemental Vortexes

Where the boundary between planes wears thin, elementals manifest in the world through churning vortexes. Such gateways might lie at the heart of a volcano, a deep ocean trench, in regions beset with earthquakes, or within great storms.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Flame and Fathom Meet

Though fire and water classically oppose one another, in the right mixture they can become a dangerous combination. Water elementals heated to a scalding temperature through natural factors such as underwater volcanoes might deal 1d6 persistent fire damage with their Strikes, while fire elementals infused with moisture might exude clouds of obscuring or even blinding steam.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Melting Elementals

Add the following optional reaction to the icicle snake, blizzardborn, and icewyrm water elementalsfor a water elemental that changes phase in response to players' actions.
Vent Steam [reaction] Trigger The elemental takes fire damage and is reduced to half its health or lower; Effect The elemental melts into a column of boiling steam. For 1 minute or until the elemental is dealt cold damage, whichever comes first, any Strikes or abilities that deal cold damage instead deal fire damage, and the elemental's cold immunity and fire vulnerability are reversed.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Monstrous Elementals

Some elementals are more than living incarnations of air, earth, fire, or water. Creatures like the genie, the uthul, or the zaramuun have their own complex ecologies and societies. While these creatures originally hail from an Elemental Plane, they can often be found on the Material Plane as well.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Elementals

When energies from elemental planes mix, unusual elemental life can form. The combination of fire and earth, for example, can spawn magma elementals, while air and water can create ice elementals. Lightning elementals form from a conjunction of fire and air, while water and earth give birth to mud elementals. It’s possible that in the vastness of the Great Beyond, even more unusual elementals might exist, although they are as rare as they are strange.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Primal Elementals

The most well known of all elementals are the primal elementals, creatures composed entirely of air, earth, fire, or water with roughly humanoid shapes. Many primal elementals are named after natural disasters, ranging from those relatively small in scale (and roughly the size of Medium humanoids) to much larger ones (often the size of small buildings). Primal elementals can often be found in areas where their namesake disasters have recently struck.

Sidebar - Locations Secrets of the Sea

The oceans of the Plane of Water are endless expanses stretching forever in all directions, but for most mortals, even the seas of the Universe have unfathomable depths. Mysterious creatures and frightening truths wait just below the surface, ready to reveal themselves to those willing to peer just beyond the limits of their vision.