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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardAnimal Vision Spell 3

Concentrate Manipulate Mental 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 240 1.1
Traditions primal
Deities Baekho, Bastet, Isis, Ketephys, Tanagaar
Cast 1 minute
Range 120 Feet; Targets 1 animal
Duration 1 hour
You tap into the target's senses, allowing you to sense whatever it senses for the spell's duration. If the target wishes to prevent you from doing so, it can attempt a Will save, negating the spell on a success, but most animals don't bother to do so. While tapping into the target's senses, you can't use your own body's senses, but you can change back and forth from your body's senses to the target's senses using a Sustain action.