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PFS StandardLinguist

Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Whether you study to further your own ambitions or simply out of fascination with the intricacies of language, your way with words is unparalleled.

PFS StandardLinguist Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Dedication 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Archetype Linguist
Prerequisites You speak at least 3 languages

You have studied languages and their development. You become trained in Society; if you were already trained in Society, you instead become an expert in Society. You gain the Multilingual skill feat twice.

PFS StandardMultilingual Cipher Feat 4

Archetype Skill 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Archetype Linguist
Prerequisites Linguist Dedication; expert in Society

You use multiple languages to create and break codes. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Decipher Writing. If another creature attempts to Decipher Writing you encoded, they take a –2 circumstance penalty unless they speak all the languages you used when you created the writing.

PFS StandardPhonetic Training Feat 4

Archetype Skill 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Archetype Linguist
Prerequisites Linguist Dedication; expert in Society

You can pronounce and repeat words with near-perfect accuracy even if you don’t understand their meaning, and you can write them down in a phonetic script that allows you or another creature with Phonetic Training to read it later. Even if the words are in a language with sounds you can’t pronounce, you can faithfully transcribe them. Memorizing long sequences of words remains just as difficult as it is normally.

PFS StandardSpot Translate [reaction] Feat 4

Archetype Auditory Linguistic 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Archetype Linguist
Prerequisites Linguist Dedication
Trigger Another creature within 60 feet uses a linguistic effect in a language you understand.

You bridge a language gap, repeating the message in a different language that you know. Choose a language you understand to repeat the message in. The linguistic effect counts as both languages, rather than only the language the triggering creature is using, potentially allowing it to affect a wider range of creatures. As normal, you can translate normal speech without Spot Translate and without using a reaction, but this reaction allows you to apply the benefits of translation to spells and actions such as command or Demoralize.

PFS StandardAnalyze Idiolect Feat 6

Archetype Skill 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Archetype Linguist
Prerequisites Linguist Dedication; expert in Deception and Society

You break down a specific individual’s idiolect, memorizing their speech mannerisms and habits. If you interact with someone for at least 10 minutes, when you later attempt to Impersonate that individual, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to your Deception checks and DCs. Due to the intense character study required, if you Analyze Idiolect again, it replaces any previous idiolect you memorized.

PFS StandardRead Shibboleths Feat 7

Archetype Linguistic Skill 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Archetype Linguist
Prerequisites Linguist Dedication; master in Society

All communication is filled with slight tells and signals. If you interact with someone for at least 10 minutes, their regional words, pronunciation changes, and nonverbal cues provide you with a minor fact about their social environment, such as their hometown or certain groups they might belong to. If a target of this ability is being deceptive about their social environment, such as a commoner pretending to be a noble, they secretly attempt a Deception, Society, or appropriate Lore check against your Society DC, providing you a false minor fact consistent with their assumed identity on a success.

Once you’ve gleaned one or more true minor facts about a person, you can then incorporate these mannerisms into your speech to present yourself in a way that they find familiar. This grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to your Diplomacy and Deception checks with them.

PFS StandardCrude Communication Feat 8

Source Player Core 2 pg. 203 1.1
Archetype Linguist
Prerequisites Linguist Dedication

Even if you don’t speak a creature’s language, you can rely on inflection, root words, and body language to infer rudimentary meaning. If you interact with a creature for at least 10 minutes and that creature can speak a language, the GM rolls a secret Society check for you, with a DC appropriate for the language’s rarity. On a success, you understand the gist of the meaning and can communicate basic concepts back to the creature; on a failure, you are mistaken or communicate incorrect concepts. If you’re legendary in Society, you can communicate instantly without needing to attempt a Society check; even if you didn’t know the medium of communication the creature uses (speech, sign language, and so on), you intuit this information as soon as they try to communicate.