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PFS StandardHunting Snag [reaction] Feat 10

Archetype Flourish 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 69 2.1
Archetype Clawdancer
Prerequisites Clawdancer Dedication
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it’s using.

Learning from nature's predators has taught you how to keep your prey close. Make a claw or talon unarmed Strike on the triggering creature. If it's a critical hit and the trigger is a move action, disrupt that action. If it hits and the creature left a square adjacent to you, you can Step into that square.



This feat belongs to an archetype.


Actions with the flourish trait are special techniques that require too much exertion for you to perform frequently. You can use only one action with the flourish trait per round.