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PFS StandardTricksterbane Oath Feat 4

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 92
Archetype Spirit Warrior
Prerequisites Spirit Warrior Dedication

You’ve sworn an oath to ferret out and destroy malevolent shapechangers who pose as mortals with evil intent. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to detect a shapechanged creature’s disguise, and a +2 circumstance bonus to attempts to Recall Knowledge about shapechangers. Whenever you use Overwhelming Combination against a shapechanged creature, you attempt to counteract one polymorph effect on that creature. The counteract rank is half your level rounded up, and the counteract check modifier is your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus with the weapon used to Strike as part of your Overwhelming Combination. You gain the following edict.

Edict You must reveal and slay evil or predatory shapechangers you discover or encounter, as long as you have a reasonable chance of success.



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