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PFS StandardSummon Kaiju [three-actions] Spell 10

Legacy Content

Rare Conjuration Incarnate 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 133 2.0
Traditions primal
Cast [three-actions] material, somatic, verbal
Range 500 feet
Duration until the end of your next turn
You briefly conjure a kaiju, a massive, rampaging monster with a unique name and legendary reputation. It rises from its secluded lair to annihilate your foes. The summoned kaiju occupies the space of a Gargantuan creature. When you Cast this Spell, choose one of the kaiju below to summon.

Secrets of Magic

  • Agmazar the Star Titan Speed 100 feet, climb 50 feet; Arrive (necromancy, negative) Channel Void Each foe in a 100-foot emanation takes 16d8 negative energy damage with a basic Fortitude save; Depart (transmutation) Gravitic Repulsion Each foe in a 50-foot emanation is pushed 100 feet away unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save.
  • Agyra, the Forever Storm Speed 80 feet, fly 200 feet; Arrive (electricity, evocation) Breath of a Thousand Storms Agyra shoots two 1,200-foot lines of electricity, one from each of her heads. The lines can't overlap. Each creature along one of the lines takes 6d12 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save. On a failure, the creature is also slowed 1 for 1 round (or for 1 minute on a critical failure); Depart (evocation, sonic) Thunderous Blast Each creature within a 100-foot emanation takes 6d10 sonic damage with a basic Reflex save, and is also knocked prone on a failed save.
  • Bezravnis, the Inferno Below Speed 100 feet, burrow 100 feet; Arrive (earth, evocation) Burrow from the Earth's Heart Bezravnis explodes from the ground where it was summoned, causing all creatures in a 50-foot emanation to take 8d12 bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save. This potentially collapses structures with the collapse effect of the earthquake spell, except there is no chance of falling into a fissure; Depart Web Hurricane Bezravnis departs with a hurricane of webbing. All creatures within a 50-foot emanation must succeed at a Reflex save or take a –20-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it Escapes (or is immobilized until it escapes on a critical failure). The Escape DC is your spell DC.
  • Mogaru, the Final King Speed 100 feet, swim 100 feet; Arrive (auditory, enchantment, mental) Trance of the King's Melody Mogaru manifests with a burst of the song that summoned him, requiring all foes within 60 feet who can hear him to attempt a Will save, leaving them stunned 3 on a failure; Depart (evocation, fire) Volcanic Breath Mogaru unleashes his scorching breath in a 120-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes 10d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex save. On a failure, it also takes 4d6 persistent fire damage.
  • Vorgozen, the Shapeless Feeder Speed 50 feet, climb 50 feet, swim 100 feet; Arrive (necromancy) Pollute Magic Vorgozen's foul presence pollutes magic around her. Each of your enemies within a 60-foot emanation that are under the effects of a spell must attempt a Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is sickened 2. Any of your enemies that Casts a Spell within 60 feet of Vorgozen must attempt a Fortitude save with the same effects unless it's already sickened; Depart (acid, evocation) Beam of Purest Vitriol Each creature in a 1,200-foot line takes 10d6 acid damage and 10d6 bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save.
  • Yarthoon, the Moon Grub Speed 60 feet, burrow 100 feet, fly 100 feet, swim 100 feet; Arrive (cold, evocation) Algid Beam Barrage Yarthoon fires countless beams, targeting each of your enemies within 200 feet of it. The beams deal 10d6 cold damage with a basic Reflex save; Depart (cold, conjuration, water) Frostbite Mist Chilling mist surges out in a 100-foot burst centered on Yarthoon and remains for 1 minute. This mist has the effects of obscuring mist, plus any creature within the area at the end of its turn take 5d6 cold damage with a basic Fortitude save.

Monsters of Myth

  • Ebeshra, the Winged Razor Speed 75 feet, fly 100 feet; Arrive (conjuration, teleportation) Planar Draw Each foe in a 100-foot emanation is pulled 50 feet towards the center, unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save. Creatures that fail and reach the center take 10d6 bludgeoning damage; Depart (electricity, evocation) Storm Discharge Each foe in a 240-foot line takes 12d8 electricity damage with a basic Reflex save