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Petal DanceMajor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 317 2.0
Aspect plant
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate); Frequency once per hour; Effect You discorporate into a cloud of petals and leaves. This grants you the swarm trait, immunity to falling damage, resistance 5 to bludgeoning and slashing damage, and weakness 5 to area and splash damage. You can fit into spaces only a few inches wide, moving your constituent petals through the gap. You don't gain the swarm mind ability, so you're still affected normally by mental effects. As a swarm, you can't speak, cast spells, use manipulate actions requiring your hands, activate your magic items, or make any of your Strikes with your normal body. You remain in this form for 1 minute or until you Dismiss the activation. At 13th level, the relic gains a reaction that triggers when you fall or take damage, applying this gift's resistances, weaknesses, and immunity to falling damage to the triggering effect.