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PFS StandardAncient Mirage Dragon

Mirage dragons are masters of illusion magic and use their powers to deceive others and further their own agendas. In addition to their magical prowess, mirage dragons possess a number of additional features to help them on hunts or mislead attackers, such as their camouflaging scales and a hallucinatory breath that can confound multiple foes at once. Mirage dragons are vain and egotistical figures. They ultimately care more about themselves than others.

Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 40
Unspecific Lore: DC 38
Specific Lore: DC 35

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Ancient Mirage DragonCreature 18

Uncommon Huge Arcane Dragon 
Source Monster Core pg. 123 1.1
Perception +33; darkvision, illusion sense, scent (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Common, Draconic, Fey, Shadowtongue
Skills Acrobatics +33, Arcana +32, Athletics +34, Crafting +32, Deception +37, Diplomacy +35, Illusion Lore +34, Performance +35, Stealth +35, Thievery +33
Str +7, Dex +7, Con +6, Int +6, Wis +7, Cha +9
Camouflage The dragon can Hide in natural environments even if they don't have cover.
Illusion Sense When the dragon moves within 30 feet of an illusion that can be disbelieved, they automatically attempt a secret check to disbelieve, even if they didn't spend an action to Interact.
AC 41; Fort +28, Ref +29, Will +33; +2 status to all saves vs. arcane
HP 345; Immunities fascinated, paralyzed, sleep
Scintillating Defense [reaction] (visual) Trigger The dragon is targeted with an attack; Effect The dragon flashes their iridescent scales at the triggering creature to throw off the attack. The dragon gains concealmentagainst the triggering attack.
Speed 60 feet, climb 40 feet, fly 180 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +33 [+28/+23] (magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10+15 piercingMelee [one-action] claws +33 [+29/+25] (agile, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6+15 slashingMelee [one-action] tail +31 [+26/+21] (magical, reach 20 feet), Damage 3d8+15 bludgeoningArcane Innate Spells DC 43; 8th illusory creature, illusory object (at will), illusory scene (at will), mirage, vibrant pattern; 4th invisibility (at will); Cantrips (9th) figment, message
Captivating Display [one-action] (arcane, visual) Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect The dragon opens the fins on their head, creating a radiant display of enthralling colors. Each creature in a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or be dazzled and slowed 1 (or slowed 2 on a critical failure) for 1 round. Regardless of the result, a creature is then temporarily immune to Captivating Display for 1 minute.Draconic Frenzy [two-actions] The dragon makes two claw Strikes and one tail Strike in any order.Draconic Momentum The dragon recharges their Hallucinatory Breath whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Hallucinatory Breath [two-actions] (arcane, emotion, mental) The dragon breathes a cloud that assaults the senses and deals 17d6 mental damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 41 Will save). A creature that fails its save is also confused for 1 round (1 minute on a critical failure) and is then temporarily immune to being confused by Hallucinatory Breath for 1 hour. The dragon can't use Hallucinatory Breath again for 1d4 rounds.Lunging Bite [two-actions] The dragon lunges their head forward, making a jaws Strike with an extended reach of 25 feet.Sneak Attack The dragon's Strikes deal an additional 3d6 precision damage to off-guard targets.

All Monsters in "Dragon, Mirage"

Adult Mirage Dragon13
Ancient Mirage Dragon18
Young Mirage Dragon9

Dragon, Mirage

Source Monster Core pg. 121 1.1
Mirage dragons are masters of illusion magic and use their powers to deceive others and further their own agendas. In addition to their magical prowess, mirage dragons possess a number of additional features to help them on hunts or mislead attackers, such as their camouflaging scales and a hallucinatory breath that can confound multiple foes at once. Mirage dragons are vain and egotistical figures. They ultimately care more about themselves than others.


Related Groups Dragon, Adamantine, Dragon, Conspirator, Dragon, Diabolic, Dragon, Empyreal, Dragon, Fortune, Dragon, Horned, Dragon, Omen
Dragons come in myriad forms, with many having magical abilities or connections to magic. Some dragons draw greater power from magic than others, allowing them to manifest abilities or alter their physiques with prolonged exposure to magic. These dragons become more powerful as they age and strengthen their connections with their magical origins. Scholars debate the classification of these dragons, with some preferring the name magical dragons and others using traditional dragons due to their connection to specific magical traditions. Regardless of their names, these dragons share a number of characteristics: their ability to tap into magical energies, intensified might and cunning as they grow older, and an inclination to hoard vast amounts of treasure and wealth.

Draconic Spellcasters

Each dragon features a sidebar on spellcasting dragons of that type. To make a dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon's Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities, and give them the spells outlined in their sidebar. You can swap out any number of these with other spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each rank. You might also want to increase the dragon's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2 to reflect their mastery of magic.

Sidebar - Related Creatures Dijansi

The village of New Lipror in southern Jalmeray is home to a secret: it doesn't exist. The mirage dragon Dijansi initially created the illusory village as a form of entertainment. Eventually, the village drew curious travelers, whom Dijansi convinced to maintain the village's secret and to give her their treasures and adoration. Dijansi now uses the village to draw more patrons to satisfy her desire for riches and attention.

Sidebar - Locations Mirage Dragon Lairs

A mirage dragon's lair is filled with the typical treasures one would expect from a dragon. Unlike the hoards of other dragons, a mirage dragon takes care to polish every coin, gem, and precious metal to a mirror shine. These reflective items are placed methodically throughout the lair, allowing the dragon to see themself from all angles at any time. In addition to the typical riches, mirage dragons also keep mirrors in their hoards to better scratch their narcissistic itches. Mirage dragons tend to keep lairs in natural environments, which are better suited for their camouflage. These lairs are generally near lakes and other large bodies of water that serve as an additional natural mirror for the dragon.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Mirage Dragon Spellcasters

Mirage dragon spellcasters tend to cast the following spells.

Young Mirage Dragon

Arcane Prepared Spells DC 27, attack +20; 4th confusion, vision of death; 3rd disguise magic, enthrall, hypnotize; 2nd embed message, revealing light, see the unseen; 1st item facade, phantasmal minion, ventriloquism; Cantrips (4th) daze, detect magic, light, prestidigitation, read aura

Adult Mirage Dragon

Arcane Prepared Spells DC 35, attack +27; As young mirage dragon, plus 6th mislead, phantasmal calamity; 5th false vision, sending, telekinetic haul; 4th vapor form; Cantrips (6th) daze, detect magic, light, prestidigitation, read aura

Ancient Mirage Dragon

Arcane Prepared Spells DC 43, attack +35; As adult mirage dragon, plus 8th disappearance, hallucination, hidden mind; 7th contingency, mask of terror, project image; 6th truesight; Cantrips (8th) daze, detect magic, light, prestidigitation, read aura