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There is a Remastered version here.


Source Bestiary pg. 240
While many cultures practice mummification of the dead for benign reasons, undead mummies are created through foul rituals, typically to provide eternally vigilant guardians.


Bog Mummy (Creature 5), Bog Mummy Cultist (Creature 9), Decrepit Mummy (Creature 2), Drowned Mummy (Creature 17), Ice Mummy (Creature 8), Iroran Mummy (Creature 10), Mummified Cat (Creature 0), Mummy Guardian (Creature 6), Mummy Pharaoh (Creature 9), Mummy Prophet of Set (Creature 13), Quoppopak Mummy (Creature 13)

Sidebar - Geb Mummification Practice

Neophytes to mummification typically apprentice to a morgue specializing in the process. Apprenticeships can last several years. Generally, the first mummies one produces are animals, usually of inferior quality. Those who become skilled remain rare enough to be a strategic resource and could be abducted, coerced, or bribed to change their allegiance or sabotage the mummification of their masters.