General Hazards | Adventure-Specific Hazards | Weather Hazards

Unstable PitHazard 0

Legacy Content

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 69
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 12
Description This open pit was once covered with branches— it's now visible, but its unstable edges are not obvious.
Crumbling Edge [reaction] Trigger A creature comes within 5 feet of the pit's edge; Effect The edge of the pit crumbles. The triggering creature must attempt a DC 19 Reflex save.

Critical Success The triggering creature steps back from the edge before it collapses.
Success The triggering creature falls prone.
Failure The triggering creature falls prone and slides into the pit, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Critical Failure As failure, but 2d6 bludgeoning damage.