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There is a Legacy version here.

Dancing ScarfItem 3+

Invested Magical Visual 
Source GM Core pg. 288 2.0
Usage worn belt; Bulk
This long and billowing scarf is typically woven of silk or sheer fabric and adorned with bells or other jangling bits of shiny metal. It grants a +1 item bonus to Performance checks to dance.

Activate—Swirling Scarf [one-action] (manipulate); Requirements On your most recent action, you succeeded at a Performance check to dance; Effect You become concealed until the beginning of your next turn.

PFS StandardDancing ScarfItem 3

Source GM Core pg. 288 2.0
Price 60 gp

PFS StandardDancing Scarf (Greater)Item 9

Source GM Core pg. 288 2.0
Price 650 gp
The scarf grants a +2 bonus. When you activate the scarf, you can also Stride up to half your Speed or Step.