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PFS StandardIron Hag

Iron hags are kidnappers, targeting those too young to even remember to fight back. They most often snatch babies from their cradles, though they sometimes target fearful children or youths who suffer from anxiety. They then imprison their new wards in towers or enchanted dungeons, terrifying their victims with stories of the outside world to discourage them from even trying to escape. If these methods fail to be effective, iron hags become more straightforward in their methods of imprisonment, insisting it's for their captives' own good.

An iron hag's true form has unnaturally long arms. True to their name, they have teeth made of iron, as well as long iron toenails and claws.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22
Unspecific Lore: DC 20
Specific Lore: DC 17

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Iron HagCreature 6

Large Hag Humanoid 
Source Monster Core pg. 190 1.1
Perception +14; darkvision
Languages Aklo, Common, Jotun
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +14 (+16 to Grapple), Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Intimidation +13, Stealth +16
Str +6, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +3
Coven An iron hag adds earthbind, impaling spike, and spellwrack to their coven's spells. Their spell DC when leading a coven is 24.
AC 24; Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +14; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 80; Resistances physical 3 (except adamantine)
Speed 40 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +16 [+12/+8] (agile, cold iron, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+6 slashing plus GrabMelee [one-action] jaws +16 [+11/+6] (cold iron, magical), Damage 2d6+6 piercingBonds of Iron [two-actions] (attack, occult) Frequency once per day; Effect The hag causes a cage built of cold iron fingernails to spring out of nothingness around one creature within 30 feet, attempting an Athletics check to Grapple against the target's Fortitude DC; if the target has a weakness to cold iron, the iron hag gains a +2 circumstance bonus to this check. On a success, the creature is grabbed by the magical fingernails (or restrained on a critical success). If the creature successfully Escapes (DC 24), the cage crumbles into rust. Any creature can attempt to destroy the cage by attacking it. It has an AC of 19, Hardness 10, and 40 Hit Points.Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, occult, polymorph) The iron hag can take on the appearance of any Medium female humanoid. This doesn't change their Speed or their attack and damage bonuses with their Strikes but might change the damage type their Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning).Embrace of Iron [one-action] Requirements A creature is grabbed or restrained by the iron hag's claw; Effect The hag's nails tear into their captured victim, dealing 2d8 piercing damage (the nails are cold iron). Then the hag can attempt to Reposition the creature. If the creature is adjacent to the hag, they can then attempt a jaws Strike against it.

All Monsters in "Hag"

Annis Hag6
Blood Hag8
Cuckoo Hag9
Grave Hag9
Green Hag4
Iron Hag6
Moon Hag10
Night Hag9
Rust Hag8
Sea Hag3
Storm Hag5
Sweet Hag4
Winter Hag7


Source Monster Core pg. 188 1.1
Hags are malevolent predators who use magic and manipulation to lure children and young adults into their clutches. Though their true forms are eldritch and horrifying, hags spend much of their lives disguised as ordinary women. They seek out targets who are unhappy, innocent, or otherwise vulnerable, preying on their weaknesses before snatching them up. The typical hag is abusive, controlling, and narcissistic. Though less malicious hags possibly exist, they rarely reveal their true forms, making them nearly impossible to find.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Hag Covens

Hags are dangerous enough on their own, but when they gather in threes to form covens, they grow much more powerful.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Hags and Children

Hags are known to replace infant humanoids with their own offspring. These children are changelings and have the potential to become hags themselves. Though hags are based on the fantasy villains of fairy tales, they can also touch on the all-too-real behavior of abusive adults. Consider and discuss whether hags are right for your group and game before using them. Pathfinder is for everyone, and it's not weak or selfish to avoid traumatic memories in a game that's meant to be played for fun!

Sidebar - Related Creatures Other Hags

The four types of hags presented here are but the most notorious of their kind. Others—such as the blood hag, moon hag, storm hag, and winter hag—plague society in other regions of the world.

Sidebar - Additional Lore The Nature of Hags

No one is entirely certain what hags are or where they came from. That no known male hags exist has also puzzled occult scholars. Many believe hags are a type of fey, since most of their kind have an aversion to cold iron. Yet hags seem to have no origin in the First World that researchers have found. Some tales claim that hags were once creatures who made a series of powerful bargains with devils. Though they outsmarted the fiends, they were still eventually corrupted.