There is a Legacy version

Ward Domain
Ritual 6Uncommon Source Player Core 2 pg. 271Cast 1 day;
Cost rare incenses, oils, and powdered silver, worth 150 gp total;
Secondary Casters 3
Primary Check Arcana,
Nature, or
Occultism (master);
Secondary Checks Lore (any),
ThieveryArea 100 feet × 100 feet, up to 50 feet high
Duration 1 week
This ritual has long been used to guard the private sanctums of powerful rulers, spellcasters, and other figures of import. You and the other casters spend the casting time burning incense, anointing doorframes, and drawing lines of powered silver across entryways. The ritual creates the following magical effects within the area; these effects are heightened to the rank of
ward domain and remain throughout the duration.
All gates, doors, windows, and similar apertures in the area (if any) are locked, with the effects of
lock. In addition, you can obscure up to six doors, doorways, or similar entrances within the area with the effects of
illusory object to appear as plain walls.
Scrying spells can’t perceive any stimuli from the area, and
ward domain attempts to counteract
teleportation effects into or out of the area, including attempts to
summon creatures into the area, using a modifier equal to the ritual’s save DC – 10.
A successful
dispel magic used on a specific effect removes only that effect (such as the
lock effect on one window). A successful
detonate magic ends the entire ritual.
Critical Success You create the effects described above, and you protect an area twice as large.
Success You create the effects described above.
Failure The ritual has no effect.
Critical Failure The area becomes trapped and hostile to you and your allies in a way you didn’t anticipate.
Heightened (+1) The ward covers an additional area 100 feet × 100 feet, up to 50 feet high, contiguous with the original area.