Alchemist | Animist | Barbarian | Bard | Champion | Cleric | Druid | Exemplar | Fighter | Gunslinger | Inventor | Investigator | Kineticist | Magus | Monk | Oracle | Psychic | Ranger | Rogue | Sorcerer | Summoner | Swashbuckler | Thaumaturge | Witch | Wizard

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Investigator Details | Investigator Feats | Investigator Kits | Methodologies

There is a Legacy version here.


Source Player Core 2 pg. 103 1.1
Your studies have made you savvy in a broad spectrum of areas, but one particular investigative process drew your intense—even obsessive—interest. Choose a methodology.

There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardAlchemical Sciences

Source Player Core 2 pg. 103 1.1
Your methodology emphasizes chemical and alchemical analysis, collecting information from unusual particles and fluids found on the scene. You possess enough alchemical know-how to whip up a few tinctures to help you with your cases.

You’re trained in Crafting and gain the Alchemical Crafting skill feat. You start with a standard formula book, which contains the formulas for two common 1st-level alchemical items of your choice (these must be elixirs or tools), in addition to the formulas gained from Alchemical Crafting. Each time you gain a level, you learn the formula for one common alchemical elixir or alchemical tool of any level of item you can create.

During your daily preparations, you can create a number of versatile vials equal to your Intelligence modifier. Statistics for versatile vials appear in the alchemist class.

You gain the Quick Tincture action, which you can use to turn one of these vials into an elixir or alchemical tool for which you know the formula. If you have the ability to create versatile vials from more than one source (such as the alchemist multiclass archetype), you can use any of your versatile vials for any ability you have that requires them.

Quick Tincture [one-action]

Investigator Manipulate 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 103 1.1
Cost 1 versatile vial
Requirements You know the formula for the alchemical item you’re creating, you are holding or wearing an alchemist’s toolkit, and you have a free hand.
You quickly brew up a short-lived tincture. You create a single alchemical elixir or tool of your level or lower that's in your formula book without having to spend the normal monetary cost in alchemical raw materials or needing to attempt a Crafting check. This item has the infused trait, but it remains potent only until the end of the current turn.
There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardEmpiricism

Source Player Core 2 pg. 104 1.1
Everything comes down to data. Calculating statistics, running numbers, and using inductive reasoning allows you to determine the most likely outcome of any scenario, and anything out of place draws your keen attention.

You are trained in one Intelligence-based skill of your choice. You gain the That’s Odd investigator feat, and you gain the Expeditious Inspection free action.

Expeditious Inspection [free-action]

Source Player Core 2 pg. 104 1.1
Frequency once 10 minutes
You observe and assess your surroundings with great speed. You Recall Knowledge, Seek, or Sense Motive.
There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardForensic Medicine

Source Player Core 2 pg. 104 1.1
You’ve learned that in most cases, especially murders, criminals tend to leave more evidence of the crime on the body than they’d like to believe. Information from bruising, bone fractures, blood spatters, and even the life cycle of carrion insects can provide valuable clues that help reconstruct the scene.

You’re trained in Medicine and gain the Forensic Acumen and Battle Medicine skill feats. When you use Battle Medicine, on a success the target recovers additional Hit Points equal to your level, and the target becomes temporarily immune for only 1 hour, not 1 day.
There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardInterrogation

Source Player Core 2 pg. 104 1.1
People can’t help but trust you, whether through your inherent likableness or your firm insistence on sticking to the truth. You have a way about you that gets others talking, and you’ve developed interrogative techniques to help you get to the truth of your investigations.

You are trained in Diplomacy. You gain the No Cause for Alarm skill feat. You can also Pursue a Lead at the same time you Make an Impression, as long as you ask a question related to the creature with which you’re conversing or a topic of your conversation. You also gain the Pointed Question action.

Pointed Question [one-action]

Auditory Concentrate Investigator Linguistic Mental 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 104 1.1
You ask a question that charms or needles someone in just the right way. Ask a question of a non-allied creature that you can see. Attempt a Diplomacy check against the creature’s Will DC. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.
Critical Success The target must directly answer your question. It doesn't have to answer truthfully, but you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to your Perception DC if the creature attempts to Lie to you. Whether it answers truthfully or not, you glean something from its body language, and it is off-guard to the Strike you make using Devise a Stratagem against it before the end of your turn.
Success As critical success, but the circumstance bonus to your Perception DC is +2.
Failure The target can refuse to answer you as normal.
Critical Failure The target can refuse to answer you as normal, and its attitude toward you decreases by one step due to your aggravating attention.