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PFS StandardOverselling FlourishSpell 1

Legacy Content

Uncommon Illusion 
Source Firebrands pg. 90 2.0
Access Second-mark members of the Firebrands have access to this spell.
Traditions arcane, occult
Cast [reaction] somatic; Trigger A creature damages you.
Range 60 feet; Targets the triggering creature
Saving Throw Will
You make a grand spectacle out of getting hit. Enhanced by magic, this spectacle features sprays of blood, anguished screams, or other theatrics that appear to result from your foe's attack. The triggering creature must attempt a Will saving throw.

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is thrown off by your display. The creature becomes dazzled until the start of your turn.
Failure The creature fully believes your performance, leaving itself open. The creature becomes dazzled and flat-footed until the start of your turn.
Critical Failure The creature is enraptured by the display. The creature uses its remaining actions to watch you in awe. It then remains dazzled and flat-footed until the start of your turn.