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PFS StandardDoldrums Heap

Though most sargassum heaps divide once they grow too large, occasionally a heap will continue to grow indefinitely. These “doldrum heaps” can tangle and immobilize ships, tearing them apart or feasting on the hapless passengers.

Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 26
Unspecific Lore: DC 24
Specific Lore: DC 21

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Doldrums HeapCreature 8

Huge Amphibious Plant 
Source Monster Core pg. 295
Perception +15; wavesense (precise) 120 feet
Skills Athletics +19, Stealth +16
Str +6, Dex +4, Con +5, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha +0
AC 14; Fort +19, Ref +16, Will +13
HP 280; Immunities critical hits, mental, precision, unconscious; Resistances cold 10; Weaknesses slashing 10
Mirage Spores (aura, incapacitation, mental) 300 feet. The doldrums heap constantly produces a field of hallucinogenic spores that causes those affected to see the monster as whatever they desire most. Each creature within the emanation must succeed a DC 25 Will save or become fascinated with the doldrums heap and compelled to move toward it on the creature's turn. Creatures fascinated this way are also off-guard. If the doldrums heap attacks, the fascinated condition ends only for the creature that is attacked. On a successful save, a creature is temporarily immune to mirage spores for 24 hours.
Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 40 feet
Melee [one-action] tendril +19 [+14/+9] (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d12-2+10 bludgeoning plus GrabConstrict [one-action] 1d12+10 bludgeoning, DC 26Draw In [two-actions] The doldrums heap attempts to Reposition up to three creatures it has grabbed or restrained. These attempts neither apply nor count toward the heap's multiple attack penalty. It can move them into its own space, dealing 1d12+10 bludgeoning damage.

All Monsters in "Sargassum Heap"

Doldrums Heap9
Sargassum Heap6

Sargassum Heap

Source Monster Core pg. 295
A sargassum heap is a mass of semi-intelligent seaweed that floats through the ocean, luring in its victims with hallucinogenic spores. Those affected by the spores are drawn towards the heap, envisioning their heart's desire. This might be a lost loved one, a child in need of help, an enchanting mermaid, the promise of dry land, and so on. Once their prey is close enough, the sargassum heap lashes out with its seaweed tendrils and crushes it to death.