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PFS StandardNavaratna of the Solar RubyItem 13

Unique Artifact Divine 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 131
Usage worn; Bulk
These nine flawless gems are set within a golden necklace, their centerpiece a holy ruby pulled from the center of a sun. So long as you are wearing the navaratna, you ignore all environmental effects due to temperature, do not take penalties due to wind, and ignore all damage and effects from droughts, floods, and earthquakes. You are also immune to damage from starvation. The navaratna does not otherwise grant you resistance against damage (such as fire or cold damage).

Activate—Sutra of the Flawless Servant [reaction] (concentrate, divine, fortune); Frequency once per hour;; Trigger An ally within 30 feet fails a saving throw against an temperature environmental effect; Effect You offer a prayer for your divine protection to extend to your companion. The creature rerolls the triggering saving throw with a +2 item bonus. They must take the new result, even if it is worse.

Destruction The navaratna must be swallowed by a fiendish divine lion; the lion must then by killed by drowning in a lake of naga venom and left to rot for a year. At the stroke of midnight on the final day, the artifact is destroyed.