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Ji-yook (Level 13)

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Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 41
Unspecific Lore: DC 39
Specific Lore: DC 36

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Ji-yook (Level 13)Creature 12

Legacy Content

Unique CG Medium Humanoid Kitsune 
Source Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight! pg. 26
Female kitsune ninja
Perception +24; low-light vision
Languages Common, Kitsune, Nagaji, Tengu, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +24, Deception +23, Stealth +22, Thievery +22
Str +0, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +4, Wis +1, Cha +4
Items +1 explorer's clothing, +2 greater striking handwraps of mighty blows, greater smokesticks (2), +2 striking returning darts (5)
AC 33; Fort +18, Ref +24, Will +18
HP 170
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] claw +24 [+20/+16] (agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed), Damage 3d4-2+11 slashingRanged [one-action] dart +24 [+20/+16] (agile, reload 0, thrown 20 feet), Damage 2d4-2+6 piercingRanged [one-action] foxfire +22 [+17/+12] (range 20 feet), Damage 3d4-2 electricityDivine Innate Spells DC 31 (-4 dmg); 5th illusory scene; 1st sanctuary; Cantrips (7th) daze
Change Shape [one-action] (concentrate, divine, polymorph, transmutation) Ji-yook transforms into her human form. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception. Ji-yook can remain in her human form indefinitely, and she can shift back to her kitsune form by using this action again.Foxfire Blast [two-actions] (electricity, evocation, flourish, magical) Ji-yook makes a fist Strike. On a hit the target takes an additional 3d4 electricity damage and is pushed back 10 feet. On a critical hit, the target is pushed back and then knocked prone.Pinning Shot [one-action] Ji-yook expertly aims and flings a dart to peg an opponent to a nearby wall or floor. Ji-yook makes a dart Strike. If the attack hits, it deals no damage and instead pins the target to an adjacent surface. The target is immobilized and must spend an Interact action to attempt a DC 8 Athletics check to pull the dart free; it can't move from its space until it succeeds. If Ji-yook's dart Strike was a critical hit, the target must succeed at two separate Athletics checks to pull the dart free. The target is flat-footed while it remains immobilized in this way.Sneak Attack Ji-yook Strikes deal an additional 3d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.