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Leshy Plant Source Player Core pg. 57 2.0Leshies are immortal nature spirits placed in small plant bodies, seeking to experience the world.Leshies are immortal spirits of nature temporarily granted physical forms. As guardians and emissaries of the environment, leshies are “born” when a skilled druid or other master of primal magic conducts a ritual to create a suitable vessel, and then a spirit chooses that vessel to be their temporary home. Leshies are self-sufficient from the moment the ritual ends, though it isn't uncommon for leshies to maintain lifelong bonds with their creators. Many leshies relish the opportunity to interact with the physical world. While most leshy spirits are ancient, they rarely recall past lifetimes and see their new life as a chance to experience the wonders of the world once more.
If you want to play a character who is curious and connected to nature, you should play a leshy.
You Might...
- Act as a traveling agent for natural guardians who are unable to leave their territories.
- Encourage civilizations to cooperate with nature and build their cities in ecologically friendly ways.
Others Probably...
- Think you are a curiosity due to your spiritual origins.
- Assume you know only about nature and are unfamiliar with civilization and society.
Physical Description
Leshies are as varied as the material used to create their vessels, usually appearing as a bizarre mishmash of various plants or fungi. Their bodies are vaguely humanoid in shape, with numerous characteristics of the plant or fungus from which they were made. A typical leshy is about 3 feet tall. Leshies begin their lives as adults and don't age.
To most leshies, the concept of family is not a matter of birth, but rather determined by bonds of loyalty and friendship. Leshies are dedicated allies, but they have little tolerance for those who would despoil nature. As much as they are happy to accept someone who earns their trust into their family, they expect family members to look out for them and their natural wards in return.
Leshies are grouped into categories akin to ethnicities, but these are not connected to physical features; rather, they represent broad categories of characteristics of their spirits. Certain spirits are more likely to gravitate toward particular physical bodies, though this predisposition is far from absolute. Leshies' genders are determined by the spirits that inhabit their bodies. Some leshies are exclusively male or female, while many consider themselves both. Others, particularly fungus leshies, tend toward far more complex expressions of gender, or eschew the concept entirely. Leshies choose and change their names multiple times throughout their lives.
Leshies' beliefs generally focus on the natural world. Those with a philosophical bent lean toward the
Green Faith, and
Gozreh is the most popular deity among faithful leshies. Some leshies also venerate
green men, powerful spirits of nature.
Popular Edicts experience the physical world, form a family through loyalty and trust, protect parts of nature you embody
Popular Anathema embrace unnatural magic or influences
Scarlet in Summer, Verdant Taleweaver, Lurking Hunter, Masterful Sun Drinker, Noon Sky Evening Song, Snowy Pine Branch, Cascading Rapids
Leshy Mechanics
Hit Points
25 feet
Attribute Boosts
Attribute Flaw
CommonFeyAdditional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it's positive). Choose from
Sakvroth, and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the
concealed condition due to dim light.
Plant Nourishment
You gain nourishment in the same way that the plants or fungi that match your body type normally do, through some combination of photosynthesis, absorbing minerals with your roots, or scavenging decaying matter. You typically do not need to pay for food. If you normally rely on photosynthesis and go without sunlight for 1 week, you begin to
starve. You can derive nourishment from specially formulated bottles of sunlight instead of natural sunlight, but these bottles cost 10 times as much as standard rations (or 40 sp).