Coded Signal
Item 0+Legacy Content
Uncommon Source Dark Archive pg. 83Bulk —
Secret societies are notorious for their rituals and symbolism, and for working those symbols into their properties and belongings. The silent hunters of the Cat and Mouse Society wear cat masks and brand their lodges with the sign of the sphinx. Some of this is due to ego, some due to what might be best understood as an exercise in branding, but some is to convey messages to members.
Unlike other secret messages, coded signals make no effort to direct themselves to a specific individual. Rather, the message is clearly visible, but the actual meaning is decipherable only to members of the secret society.
Recognizing the Signal: If one isn't a member of the relevant society, then identifying the presence of a coded signal requires succeeding at a
Society check, with a critical success also conveying the general meaning. The DC depends on how secretive and widespread the society is—the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye, widespread and famous, might use a simple expert DC of 20, while the paranoid Exarchate of the Infinite Clock might use a simple master DC of 30, and an even more obscure society might use the simple legendary DC of 40.
Coded Signal (Temporary)Item 0
Source Dark Archive pg. 83Price 10 gp
Temporary signal examples include newspaper advertisements or temporary illusions.
Coded Signal (Permanent)Item 0
Source Dark Archive pg. 83Price 100 gp
Permanent signal examples include graffiti on a wall or small carvings in building stones.
Coded Signal (Monument)Item 0
Source Dark Archive pg. 83Price 1,000 gp
Monument signal examples include occult symbolism on a civic landmark or in a seal of an organization.