Political Favor
Item 0+Legacy Content
Uncommon Source Dark Archive pg. 83Bulk —
For many, the allure of being in a secret society is the chance to place their hands on the levers of power in government. Members can rub elbows with the great and good, introduce themselves to politicians and powerbrokers, and form bonds through shared allegiances unavailable to the common rabble. They can lean on those connections for a favor, some little trifle that might matter a great deal to them.
Purchasing political favors typically requires membership in a secret society that has significant political sway in the region (such as the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye in Ustalav). At the GM's discretion, characters with similarly deep connections (perhaps by virtue of having the royalty background) might also be able to purchase political favors. While the options below assume the favors are being purchased with cash, in most secret societies, favors are more likely to be traded for other favors or services rendered. The granter of the favor isn't necessarily a member of a secret society, but anyone in high office is invariably entangled in webs of favor and obligation.
The degree of the favor is based on how much effort it requires of the decision-maker and how much risk to which it exposes them. This can vary depending on the NPC. A moderate favor that takes days or weeks of work for a lord in high standing might be fulfilled with one sentence from a monarch.
Political Favor (Minor)Item 0
Source Dark Archive pg. 83Price 50 gp
Minor favors involve little risk and can be done in a matter of minutes, or at most, a few hours. Examples include signing a search warrant against a target of no political importance or arranging the loan of some horses from a military stable.
Political Favor (Moderate)Item 0
Source Dark Archive pg. 83Price 1,000 gp
Moderate favors require work from the politician and the expenditure of at least some political capital, such as having the government purchase a specific building, or reassigning a meddlesome city watch officer. Typically, only NPCs of 11th level or higher can grant such favors. If an NPC is a specialist with a higher level for some tasks, that higher level could apply here, as determined by the GM.
Political Favor (Major)Item 0
Source Dark Archive pg. 83Price 10,000 gp
Major favors are serious, politically fraught, or otherwise controversial: pardoning a notorious criminal or granting a royal trade monopoly. Typically, only NPCs of 17th level or higher can grant such favors, with exceptions for specialists.