Bracing Tendrils
[two-actions] Spell 3Legacy Content
Evocation Force Source Dark Archive pg. 104Traditions arcane,
occultCast [two-actions] somatic,
verbalDuration 1 minute
Visible tendrils of force anchor your body to the ground, preventing unwanted movement. Whenever you're on the ground and a creature or effect attempts to forcibly move you from your space, you can use your spell DC in place of your Fortitude DC as the DC of the check to move you. If a creature wouldn't normally need a check to move you, it must succeed at an appropriate check (usually an
Athletics check for physical movement) against your spell DC or you are unmoved; if an effect wouldn't normally need a check to move you, it must
counteract bracing tendrils or you are unmoved. When a creature fails to move you in this way, you can choose to have the tendrils lash back and
push them 5 feet away from you.
While the tendrils anchor you in place when you come to a stop, they uproot easily to cooperate with your own voluntary movement, so you can still move freely while under the effect of the spell.