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TemperbrandItem 16

Unique Fire Magical 
Source Prey for Death pg. 102
Price 7,000 gp
Usage held in 1 hand
Base Weapon Maul
When the mighty fire-and-metal elemental Temperbrand is defeated, their corpse transforms into a +3 major striking greater flaming grievous shifting maul made of what appears to be molten steel, though it behaves as if it were made of solid metal. When a creature first picks up Temperbrand, they must succeed at a DC 43 Will save to establish their dominance over the weapon. On a success, they become Temperbrand's only accepted wielder and may use the weapon normally. On a failure, the character takes 20d6 fire damage (40d6 fire damage on a critical failure) and drops the weapon as it melts away into slag and immediately reforms in an adjacent space. A new attempt to establish dominance can be made by picking the weapon up again and attempting a new Will save. Once Temperbrand has an accepted wielder, it can't be wielded by anyone else unless the accepted wielder intentionally permits it, declaring so in a loud voice; this permission can be rescinded in a similar manner. Anyone else trying to wield Temperbrand after it has accepted a wielder takes fire damage and causes the weapon to melt away as if they failed the Will save to wield it.

The additional fire damage caused by Temperbrand's greater flaming property (but not its persistent fire damage) is splash damage. Temperbrand's wielder is immune to this splash damage.

Activate—Molten Smash [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Frequency once per day; Effect You smash Temperbrand against the ground or another solid adjacent surface, causing an explosion of molten metal and force to radiate outward in a 20-foot emanation. All creatures in this area take 10d6 fire damage and 6d6 force damage (DC 43 basic Reflex save); those who critically fail this save are knocked prone. You are immune to the effects of Molten Smash, but your allies are not.