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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardHeal CompanionFocus 1

Uncommon Focus Healing Ranger Vitality 
Source Player Core pg. 383 2.0
Cast [one-action] or [two-actions]
Range touch or 30 feet; Targets your animal companion
You heal your animal companion's wounds. You restore 1d10 Hit Points to your animal companion. The number of actions you spend Casting this Spell determines range and other parameters.

[one-action] (manipulate) The spell has a range of touch.
[two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate) The spell has a range of 30 feet and restores an additional 8 Hit Points to the target.

    Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 1d10, and the additional healing for the 2-action version increases by 8.