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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardCrystal ShardsItem 4+

Alchemical Bomb Consumable Earth Splash 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 284 1.1
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Strike
This flask holds a pressurized red-brown gas flecked with bits of sublimated crystal. You gain the listed item bonus to attack rolls. When the bomb explodes, it deals the listed piercing damage and piercing splash damage as the mixture suddenly turns into solid crystals flying at high speeds. On a hit, the target takes 1 persistent bleed damage from the crystals embedded in its flesh. As long as the bleed damage persists, the target also takes a –5-foot penalty to its speed. The target can spend an Interact action to remove the crystals, reducing the DC to stop the bleeding.

PFS StandardCrystal Shards (Moderate)Item 4

Source Player Core 2 pg. 284 1.1
Price 16 gp
Bulk L
The item bonus is +1. The bomb deals 2d4 piercing damage and 4 piercing splash damage.

PFS StandardCrystal Shards (Greater)Item 12

Source Player Core 2 pg. 284 1.1
Price 350 gp
Bulk L
The item bonus is +2. The bomb deals 3d4 piercing damage and 5 piercing splash damage.

PFS StandardCrystal Shards (Major)Item 18

Source Player Core 2 pg. 284 1.1
Price 4,000 gp
Bulk L
The item bonus is +3. The bomb deals 4d4 piercing damage and 6 piercing splash damage.