Distracting Toss [two-actions] Feat 8Bravado Flourish Swashbuckler Source Player Core 2 pg. 167 1.1
You toss one weapon into the air as a distraction as you throw another. Choose a creature within 30 feet and
Feint against it; you can attempt this Feint even if the target is not within melee range, and if the target becomes
off-guard as a result of the Feint, this applies to your
thrown weapon attacks for the duration. Regardless of the result, you can then Interact to draw a thrown weapon and make a thrown weapon Strike against the target. If you have an open hand, you then catch the weapon you originally tossed into the air unless you critically failed at your attempt to Feint, in which case it lands on the ground at your feet.
Bravado: Actions with this trait can grant panache, depending on the result of the check involved. If you succeed at the check on a bravado action, you gain panache, and if you fail (but not critically fail) the check, you gain panache but only until the end of your next turn. These effects can be applied even if the action had no other effect due to a failure or a creature's immunity.
Flourish: Actions with the flourish trait are special techniques that require too much exertion for you to perform frequently. You can use only one action with the flourish trait per round.