Frog Tongue
[two-actions] Spell 2Concentrate Manipulate Source Howl of the Wild pg. 85 2.0Traditions primalRange 30 feet;
Targets 1 creature
Defense basic Reflex;
Duration 1 minute
Your tongue extends unnaturally, flicking out toward a creature within range and dealing 2d8 bludgeoning damage (basic Reflex save). On a failure, the creature is also stuck to the end of the tongue. It is
off-guard and can't move beyond the reach of your tongue. A creature can sever the tongue with a Strike that deals at least 10 slashing damage or attempt to
Escape against your spell DC. The AC of the tongue is equal to your spell DC. Severing the tongue in this way deals no damage to you but ends the spell. While a creature is stuck to the end of your tongue, actions you take with the
auditory trait take a –2 circumstance penalty. If you move so that the affected creature is outside of the tongue's reach, the spell ends.
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d8.