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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardRing of Maniacal DevicesItem 11+

Invested Magical 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 310 1.1
Usage worn; Bulk
This magic ring seems like simple tarnished brass, but it enhances your curiosity about traps and devices of all kinds. You can use an Interact action to pull a thieves' toolkit from the ring. This toolkit appears in your hand and any part of it folds back into the ring if they would leave your possession. They grant you a +2 item bonus to Thievery checks to Disable a Device and to Pick a Lock, and the ring's insights grant you the same bonus to Crafting checks to Craft and Repair snares and traps.

Activate—Fireball Trap (manipulate); Frequency once per day; Effect You create the effects of a rune trap ritual containing fireball. You can have only one trapped rune from a ring of maniacal devices active at a time, even if you have multiple rings, and the rune disappears if you lose your investiture in the ring.

PFS StandardRing of Maniacal DevicesItem 11

Source Player Core 2 pg. 310 1.1
Price 1,175 gp

PFS StandardRing of Maniacal Devices (Greater)Item 18

Source Player Core 2 pg. 310 1.1
Price 21,000 gp
The ring grants a +3 bonus. Activating it creates a rune trap containing your choice of either a 7th-rank howling blizzard or a 7th-rank fireball.