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Source Monster Core pg. 300 1.1
Sedacthies are amphibious, fish-like humanoids who lurk in Golarion's oceans and are known for leading their animal servants ashore to devour air breathers. When an entire fishing village disappears overnight, sedacthies are the first suspects. Sedacthies pride themselves as natural leaders, with ambition limited only by their strict adherence to hierarchy. A sedacthy's station is determined by the strength of the animal servants they press into service, and the mettle they prove during hunts and in battles against outsiders.


Sedacthy (Creature 6), Sedacthy Marauder (Creature 4), Sedacthy Scout (Creature 2)

Sidebar - Additional Lore Ancient Wish

The most important story in sedacthy oral history tells of impressing a powerful faydhaan genie in a game of wordplay and being granted the ability to speak with all creatures worthy of wisdom. As a result, faydhaans are held in special regard and are among the few that can broker peace with sedacthies.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Fleshwarping

Sedacthies' constant drive to strengthen their animal servants has led to generations of experiments in fleshwarping and body modification. Those most seen by land dwellers include mucus glands that keep the gills wet, allowing breathing in air, and implanted crab legs, granting a land Speed of 15 feet.