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PFS StandardKushtaka RelicItem 13

Catalyst Consumable Magical 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 118 2.1
Price 525 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate Cast a Spell (add 1 action)
These relics come in many forms, as the only requirement is they were owned by a human who transformed into a kushtaka. Used as a catalyst for spirit blast against a target possessing another creature, a kushtaka relic attempts to banish such a spirit. A creature who fails the Fortitude save against spirit blast has its grasp on its possessed target weakened. The result of the possessed creature's next Will save against the possession effect is improved by one degree. A creature who is possessing another and critically fails the Fortitude save against spirit blast takes damage and then is banished from the body it was possessing.