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PFS StandardBook of TranslationItem 2+

Legacy Content

Source PFS Guide pg. 92
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
The book is leather-bound and decorated with the symbol of the Lantern Lodge. Red and gold cords wrap around the book and tie to keep it shut. Each volume offers translation for a different language. When working with a book of translation, you can attempt Diplomacy checks to Gather Information or to Make an Impression with creatures that speak the language featured in the book, even if you do not speak the language. Such checks take 10 times longer to complete and you take a –2 circumstance penalty to the check due to your limited communication capabilities.

PFS StandardBook of Translation (Standard)Item 2

Source PFS Guide pg. 93
Price 25 gp
Bulk L

PFS StandardBook of Translation (Advanced)Item 5

Source PFS Guide pg. 93
Price 125 gp
Bulk L
An advanced book of translation features more complex phrases, local colloquialisms, and assumes a rudimentary understanding of the featured language. Checks attempted while using an advanced book of translation do not take a circumstance penalty.