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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardAwaken AnimalRitual 6

Uncommon Mental 
Source Player Core pg. 390 2.0
Cast 1 day; Cost herbs, 1/5 the value on Creature Creation Rituals; Secondary Casters 3
Primary Check Nature (master); Secondary Checks Lore (any), Society, Survival
Range 10 feet; Target(s) 1 animal of up to the level on the table
You grant intelligence to the target, transforming it into a beast. If it was previously an animal companion or minion, it can no longer serve as one.

Creature Creation Rituals

Creature LevelRitual RankRequired Cost
–1 or 0215 gp
1260 gp
23105 gp
33180 gp
44300 gp
54480 gp
65750 gp
751,080 gp
861,500 gp
962,100 gp
1073,000 gp
1174,200 gp
1286,000 gp
1389,000 gp
14913,500 gp
15919,500 gp
161030,000 gp
171045,000 gp

Critical Success The target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers each increase to +2 if they were lower, and it becomes helpful to you for awakening it.
Success The target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers increase to +0 if they were lower and it becomes friendly to you for awakening it.
Failure You fail to awaken the target.
Critical Failure You accidentally awaken the target with a pure bestial hatred toward you. The target's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers increase to –2 if they were lower. It becomes hostile to you, attempting to destroy you.