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Fiendish BargainMajor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 313 2.0
Aspect fiend
Activate [one-action] (concentrate); Frequency once per day; Effect You bargain with the evil force empowering your relic for a boon, though you must trade something in return. Select one of the following benefits to gain.
  • Your relic attempts to counteract a harmful condition affecting you.
  • You regain 3d8+16 Hit Points. This is a healing effect.
  • You gain a +2 status bonus to attack rolls for 1 minute.
One of the following randomly determined effects occurs to you in payment, after applying the benefit.
  • You are stupefied 1 for 1 minute.
  • You are clumsy 1 for 1 minute.
  • You lose 1d8 Hit Points.
  • You take a –1 penalty to damage rolls for 1 minute.